Sunday, September 7, 2008

Xiong Hong

everytime tak cukup tidur, I a sure Xiong Hong one lo :(
how am I going to study if xiong hong?! kan ko la
feeling bad whole day, no mood to study, v v de sleepy after taking panadol soluble
I have to force myself to do revision. tons of things to read, tamade!
not so good mark for comm tech midterm, in order to get good grade, I need to read a lot
but seems tak sempat ed
I guess I hav to say BYe Bye to my scholarship application..8181....
ceh scholarship only ma :( sigh! chin li, xiu sa di lar lei



thelamb said...

GO! U CAN DO IT! DON GIVE UP YET!!! wat is xiong hong btw?

EE aka Jacqueline said...

xionghong is 伤风 in dunno-wat language..haha..means cold la..
omg i still havent started studying.. sure die soon!:(
just when i think of so many tonnesss to read i oredi no more mood. :( anyway will try to at least finish reading the notes lah! tamade..
chin li u can de la~~~ and drink more water oh!

静莉 said...

thanks girls :)
I slept my whole evening away
what a cold night!
a lonely n cold night :(
need to study tim sigh! ko mia (hokkien, aza:means life is miserable)haha
add oil too...