Thursday, July 31, 2008
令人变得憔悴、生病、情绪上的不稳定、一直想要揍人 等等等等
明天就回家乡了,回去见见家人, 我相信自己能变得更开朗、也会在做功课上更有冲劲了吧
希望啦 ^^
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Great Great Tension
what had happened on me?
I dun feel like doing my undone assignment, think of SLEEPING all the time.
I guess sleep can help me to forget everything in reality, EscaPIsm..sigh!
Where is my passion and confidence in doing assignments?
I need rest, a long rest before can continue my studies..
but I cant, I just cant! perhaps I need something or someone that can cheer me up
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Personality Tests
You're full of charisma and dynamicity and you are possibly headedto being famous. You have a charming persona and you are at ease even with strangers. You usually find your way with most people and situations. You are a good speaker and tend to persuade people with your speaking and writing. You are loving and affectionate, but you might be afraid of commitment.
What kind of Guy will u fall for?
You would fall for the sensitive guy.
You'll find your future man wherever turtlenecks are sold. He will have depth, introspection, and a disturbing knowledge of musical theater. And he may be a little weird. But hey, while your girlfriends cry over broken hearts, you'll be having Shakespeare read to you every night.
What colour Girl are you?
You Are A Blue GirlRelationships and feelings are the most important things to you.You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict.If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart.
What Rose colour are you?
Celeste is a White Rose! Celeste is pure & innocent. Courage and honor hold a special place in your heart. You like doing things the right and proper way.
Just wondering, sometimes it's good to get along with a doggy rather than a human ^^(no offense) haha
u all shud watch it, it will teach u something. something that u can't get from a friend or a partner. Labrador< I might consider to own one in the future. It would be great having a doggy as an ideal companion.
Friday, July 25, 2008
I think my mum is the kind as mentioned above. She believes that I able to settle every obstacles and face the problems steadily. I love freedom, don't like to report everything I did to my mum. Luckily she is an open-minded mum, never demand me to tell her everything.She seldom phone me,as I know she is actually care for me. I m glad that I have her wishes ^^
喜欢Kah Chun幽默的谈笑方式
被逼改变计划,不能回家喝老同学碰面, 不能回家吃榴莲、红毛丹、山竹(姐夫买的,唉:( 好想念这些热带水果哦,不能和姐姐的女儿们玩耍了。。。)***很想念那两个小瓜
和浩嘉、俊龙吃了晚饭回到家后,为了让心情变得更好, 就做面膜。哈哈,感觉好很多。
今天终于有时间休息了,是时候玩电脑游戏了咯 ^^
最難達到的美德:果斷 (Right action)
最難克服的執念:懶惰 (Sloth)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
tension--cz of assignments
tension--cz of boredom of life
tension--cz of uncertainty- something that I need to confirm but duno how
To make my day, I start to wear clothes that I seldom wear in uni.
This is definitely helps in bringing back my laughter ^^
Moody everytime think of the assignments.Sigh!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
If I were a cat, I might be pampered by my master..
If I were a bird, I could fly to whenever I want..
If u were me, u wil find how terrible the life is without faith..
No faith in relationship, no faith in own performance...this is lamentable
~better DnEfed,TcEtoRP flesym
I am alone out here,even more alone now**
Monday, July 21, 2008
Words from friends
It's nice to gather with friends that u'r like ages din see or contact ^^
Exchanging our latest info while eating. talking about my future career and all those assignment that flooded my life recently, they said :
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A selfish Hedgehog
刺猬 不会无缘无故地去刺伤别人
他 只会在自我保护意识很强时
如果刺猬本身 不觉得自己的刺是尖锐的
那我相信他 也不会随意伤害身旁的人
献给他身旁的LJ脸 -- 你还真他妈的吵
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Pea leaves to Singpore tomorrow. all the best yea! and be extra careful! my prayer and wishes will always be with u, add oil.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Magic Show
Nowadays, there is not much magicians in this world. I am happy that u happened to be one of the magicians that appeared in my life right now ^^ My personal interpretation, magician is not a person that play tricks, but he is the one who blends our life with the different colours, who makes our life more delightful.
The imaginary painting that u are created has a pleasing shapes and colors where it matches the hopes and wishes; where it drives the dreams to the truth. Thanks...
From CL
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I think is was a correct decision that we finish the doco at home, the font is better as well .
Hopefully tomorrow we can pass up on time lor...
Add oil...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Kam is suggesting something on it and we r trying now.hope can make it.
I wana cry ed, he used the key frame where i hate the most n i m very lousy in adjusting the key frames :(
now, i m going to overcome my weakness, If i manage to face it then i shall become a better person, gampate!!
If it is success, make a toast for me!
but...where is the key frame?
Monday, July 14, 2008
It's Real
It's real about the legend of James Bond.
Watched The Rock(starred Sean Connery and Nicholas Cage) while chatting with friend at Mamak stall...With the wide screen n open space of the so called 'cinema' I finished the show.
S.Connery is still very attarctive though ed old.
A typical Hollywood movie, potraying their 'super hero' idea,however I m still favoring it cz it's entertaining ^^ release my tension of the day, phew~free watching some more, compare to go for a movie at TGV or GSC HaHa
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Trial and Error
It's been a hectic week, editing, editing, and editing...
I tried to explore something that I m interested in even though having a tight schedule.
I always believe that life is wonderful if u learn new things and obtain satisfaction through it after u success to complete it^^
At last, I fix a 1G Ram inside my pc wahaha...Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro are being installed in MY pc...hohoho...I gonna take a short course in Adobe After Effects.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Tension yet Enjoyable

Going to friend's house to learn After Effects, a cool software!
Friend's son--very cuteeee....haha :)

这是我的遗憾,我告诉自己,如有机会, 我会再重新上回绘画课程!
Was impressed by these 2 short descriptions of friendship and love relationship. Don't we need to view the 2 relationships as being told above? Just reached home from friend's house, learning Adobe After Effect. I am very hapy cz he managed to help us solve some editing problem that worried me a lot a lot :) It's glad that he is willing to help.
I can predict my future few weeks life. It will be the busy, frustrated, tension bla bla bla weekssss..Sigh, ed 5 days sitting in front of UTAR pc after attending classes. Not taking dinner on time, got no enough sleep, not doing other assigments except editing @_@
This is our last 2nd production. We are very concern about it, just wana do our best in the DOCO prodcution. I think that is y I can endure frustration, hungriness, and etc..A big size girl like me can even dun eat just because of the editing haha.
There is another reason why though, cz I have a passion for editing video. and I m only enjoy editing VIDEO... Other than that, I would only have little tiny patience in edit others such as graphics, audio and effects. I start to think, am I suitable to be an editor?I have lost faith in myself :(
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Caffeine Effect
Drinking a cup of coffee make me emotionally 'excited' for the whole night, gosh ^^
I still left one chapter, others all flipped through ed (tomorrow will have another midterm going on, again...haiz..)
I can see the change inside me recently. After internship, I strongly feel that, the academic performance is really nothing! People will evaluate you from what u have done, what u manage to do and what have u been successfully done, the world out there is very cruel isn't it? but... I like it, cz it can test ur patience, test ur ability, and urge u to become a stronger person, HAHA
once u have gone through the test, u will definitely transform in a better person :)
Friday, July 4, 2008
Me~Sophia - the little cute cast appeared in AOG drama.
She has got chicken pox but now nearly recover
The most beacutiful kid in Ti-Ratana, I suppose hehe. S
he has fair skin, and very well-behaved
The skinny, fragile baby is just came to this world
for 2 weeks~ Siew Man's friend-Teng
Siew Man and her little cutie~yan yan
It was a very good experience for me while being a volunteer in Ti-Ratana Orphanage on Saturday. Playing around with kids there, distributing the snacks to them, holding them so that they wun fall down as they learnt to walk etc..
Many of them live without a warm family, they were taking their short nap in a small room.sleep on the floor,while got 3 kakak looking after them ^^anyone who is interested in adopting the babiesss, u may ask the num from me. U only need to pay RM 100 just to adopt the baby. U can also visit them anytime u want.
Think about it deeply, u save RM 100 and u can help them all.They can eat and wear better^^
I love Sophia very much,after graduate I am going to adopt her.She is very cute and hyperactive hehe.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
playing games is the way of releasing tension. It's ed 12.14 in the midnight but i still dun feel like studying, get addicted to the games n the songs. I love music very muchhh!! ^^
Good luck to me for tomorrow test. Sigh, i can predict my bad day :( huhuhu....
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
I agree to the saying 'human being is living in his own contradictoriness'. Sometimes, we do not even know what we want, what we wana achieve.
Like this photo^^seems slimmer. Kudos for SoonTeng (helped 2 tk this pho2)
Taking dinner with friends at Murni, bumped into Bangla.He is thinner i think but he denied it.Ceh, I wish to hear the sentence :"You're thinner" but nobody tells me pun haha. Anyway, still add oil in keeping fit^^
Thursday will have the midterm of Meda Ethics, need to struggle in reading the notes again. I suppose no need sleep ed tonight :(
Friendster Horoscope for July 2, 2008
There is a tense emotional energy around you today -- it seems like everyone is on edge, and you don't want to be the person who sets any one of them off. This is a good time for you to go off and work on your own stuff for a while. If friends are bickering, then opt for solo outings. It's better to miss out on their drama than get caught up in it. And if you can't avoid grouchy team members at work, then at least make sure you're carrying your own weight.
I can predict that tomorrow will be a bad day for me, can feel the anger that is hiden inside me now. HOpefully tomorrow I can stay bubbly as I always do.Oh God, please dun let anyone piss me off, just DUN!