Thursday, December 27, 2007
What a hectic day and night!!
Since knowing this bad news, I cannot sleep and planned to stay til 6am, waiting for the AD come cz they will have shooting at 7am. To tell them the bad news and to find out the solution. It is not the moment to blame whose fault. I am pretty sure the extra is ed being informed few days ago by my colleague, on 25th that day itself. But somehow, misunderstand...I oso do not know...confused!
Haiz...very scared now. I scared will I be kena or others will be kena 'SHOOT'??!! Only god knows it @_@ To be continued...waiting for my later news lar....scared,wat a wreck!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
MixeD Day
Going out for video shooting with jiahui and chee haur tomorrow haha, v looking forward! I would nit to settle many things tomorrow as well. Hope I can handle itz! Gonna sleep now, 6.30am nit to be at double vision.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Things to do for ToMOrrOw
- Thanks for teaching me so many things, I shall keep on learning new things.
- Thanks for bringing me to those very nice restaurant and having meals, I will keep on going there to increase my weight.
- Thanks for accompanying me to stay till midnight, I will be ur companion oso for the rest of the training period.
- Thanks for making me exercise everyday, I will do it often so that can become slimmer-contradicts 2nd statement.
- Contacting artists and extras which will expand my network. In fact. I chat with few very good artists today, good manners with friendly tone.
- Wearing long pants to avoid the 'attack' of mosquitoes.
- Preparing myself to meet a friend tomorrow, taking lunch and hopefully can go buy and eat tang yuan ^^ed been 5 years din eat :(
- Printing out the next day scripts so that every talent know their dialogues thus I wun 'kena'. In fact, I 'kena' ed yesterday. Feel guilty cz they din scold me but advise me to be extra kful next time, touched.
- Focusing on the call time and the date/time of shooting, so that I can give accurate and correct info to the extras. In fact, I 'kena' today. Nit to be XXXtra KKKful ar Chin Li!
- Sleep earlier so that I can go telelink n work. I wish Sunday would not have video shooting ^^
Thursday, December 20, 2007
A FuNnY DiscovEry
The situation is actually like that, normally broadcasting field comprises of different type of people who work together as a team. At Amcorp Mall, there were fat, thin, short, tall, old , young girls and boys with uniquely born personal appearance inside our group. I think the passers by must be curious about the combination of people in our group, funny! Ha ha ^^
Is 'Dong Zhi' on Saturday, feel sad cz ed 5 years din at home and enjoy the specially made tang1 yuan2 by my granma :( I wish there is no video shooting on Saturday, then I might go out with hometown friends to eat tang yuan together at some where. Haiz..for those who are not from outstation, please appreciate ur days with family members, appreciate everything that they tell u. Even though sometimes u will be annoyed by their overly concern, but u are more xin4 fu2 cz beside ur beloved one.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
How do we SUrVive
Unhappiness which leads to happiness - when u feel sad, u will find or do something to make urself happy
Hppiness which leads to unhappiness - when u feel happy, u will hope to stop that wonderful moment which eventually leads to unhappiness
Am I too pessimistic? In fact, I just think that it is real, it happens in anyone's everyday life. It is a circulation, an endless circulation.
Hidden Story
Living in this heterogenous and complicated world, we live because of others, n others live because of us. The question is, do we really have intersection in between? Is it worth to change urself because of others? just because of the one that may or may not has interaction with u? Life is like a fairy tale, u imagine something when u want something. N u will need to work hard for what u want, there is great sacrifice u will have to pay for, sometimes.
It is not easy to be an artist. Today, I had truely experienced something valuable which might influence my point of view towards life. I did learn, learning on how to be a human being, a patient and humble human being.
What is the human being's funniest characteristic? Is our contradictoriness. We are in such a hurry to grow up, and then we long for our lost childhood. We make ourselves ill earning money, and then spend all our money on getting well again. We think so much about the future that we neglect the present, and thus experience neither the present nor the future. We live as if we were never going to die, and die as if we had never lived.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A niGhT at DV
Yea, it was a hectic day again. "Production is all about planning" I have experienced the true meaning which is hidden inside. Well, I just wanted to tell all of my coursemates, really really got alot of things to do arrrrr.N don't ever expect u can go back home earlier.People who manage to handle it, they will success and vice versa. I hope I can be the one who is able to overcome it.
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Moment of DaWN
Taking dinner with my colleagues, I felt lucky cz get to know those v nice girls. They are holding their posts as production coordinator, producer or floor manager. 'SuPERwoMAn' is the only word I can describe them. They can at the same time handling dfferent kind of jobs. I m getting more familiar with everything here ^^This is the happiest thing for me at this stage. Tomorrow gonna be a studio set shooting. It will surely be a hectic and busy day. Gampate!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
A Typical Sunday Night
Feel Cold, It's a windy night isn't it? windy and lonely night...again, I am alone at home. Thinking of tomorrow training, what am I going to do tomorrow neh?hmm...hopefully I manage to handle. Recently, this is the wish that I always make every night before I go to bed. Foolish? NOpe! Immature? NOPe! Childish? NOPE! This is called SELF-MOTIVATION haha
Taking dinner with friends at Nando's tonight. I do enjoy the meal, but didn't talk alot. Talking about fine dining, my Telelink friend- Wai Hau, told us about the table manner that we need to have in those high class restaurants..What entertaining me the most was when he talked about the embarrassing acts he did when taking dinner there..haha! It made me cannot stop my laughters! I will be one of the customers there some day in the future(at least once), this is what I get inspired after hearing the fine dining stuff from Hau ^^
Sometimes, I just dun feel like joining big group to have dinner. I suspect me myself is getting anti-social this few months. All I hope is just to have few friends to take dinner with, preferably not more than 3. I am getting older, as in physically and mentally. Miss the time I spent in secondary school or during my college time, there is nothing I need to take care of, nothing I need to worry of. As our age increases, the heavier burden will be attached to our back.
Sometimes, the burden on my back seemed to be crushing me to the earth. When I was in this state, I would play the music loudly or drink alcohol==" which help me to have good quality sleep instead of thinking nonsense till cannot fall asleep.Yes, I am that kind f girl who cannot deal with stress well..
Anyway, Chin Li :Good day for tomorrow and the daysss after tomorrow as well!! Nights ^^
Saturday, December 15, 2007
ReuNIoN NIght
Having a feeling of 'unsatisfied', is totally not enough for me to have only around 8 hours to chit chat. This is a typical girls' talk haha. We talked about everything, anything that relates to us^^Time flies, though heavy hearted to say good bye, but I forced myself to say it out. Ya...we come to this world alone, and we leave this world alone as well..leaving nothing here. We need to face obstacles alone, however, friends do help when we need companion. the importance of friendship is getting significant in my life nowadays. Is it a good or a bad thing? I thing I am sure, I m happy to be with them all the time, I dun need to think about other troublesome stuffs.
Looking forward to next time gathering. I hope is gonna be next Saturday^^ Merry X'Mas in advanced!!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
p/s: start doing my revision, today is going to be another sufferring nights..:( Ga Yao!
The ArT of TryING
Dear Jing Li:
- Calling up the artists and inform them with the date that they need to be involved in the video shooting - wei, this is cool man~~ haha I get to talk to few artists - Wong Chee Keong黄志强, Cai Ke Li蔡可立, Wen Shao Ping温绍平, Wu You Ping吴友凭 etc...^^ They are so kind and polite! As I faltered out that I am the assistant of Crystal and everything, they were waiting patiently...scare me, I thought maybe they will feel bored and butt in :)
- Sending script to those artists by using mail - feel like I am doing some kind of electronic or online business, hor yeng! tech-savvy
- Learning how to use fax machine - fortunately Vicky was here today, she taught me on how to use that. Ms Penny, Have u received my fax?
- Knowing the format of doing the daily rundown - I ed have the whole set of this month rundown, learning how to contact them before their actual shooting date by searching thru their names, which episode/scene they are in, stated in the rundown
- Studio set up - saw Jason set up the stage, very exhasuted I can see from Jason's face. He was sweating all the time, but some how I am pretty sure he enjoyed it very much. All the best Jason!
After settling everything at around 9.30pm, I was heading to studio, find Jason. The Mayfair team still did their rehearsal at studio.They are going to have the live recording tomorrow. Plan to accompany my friend - Foong to edit. But then she felt not so well, gonna back early:( Faster getting good ar Foong Foong! u looks so sick this few days.
Finally, asking Jason and Hanlyn out to yamcha. We chat at the mamak, this is my very first time yamcha-ing with them at section 14. Haha...ed applied leave for tomorrow and Saturday, gonna prepare for my multimedia final ^^gampate my UTAR friends ya!
'When a stranger approaches, and we think he is our brother,
and all conflicts disappear, that is the moment when night ends and day begins'
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
20% Hectic 40% free 40% Learning
A day started with a breakfast at mamak opposite Double Vision. Time flied when chatting with Jason, we were wondering what is our daily rundown today. Reached company at 9.30am, still early, without wasting our time, we get the 'Age of Glory' script from the producer- Yin Ying. In order to have a clearer picture of what kind of program that we follow, it is our obligation to read through all the scripts. However, the more I read the more I was attracted to the story. I ed finished up till episode 35, who is the scriptwriter? Is it possible if u can finish the story by tomorrow? Haha, can't wait to know the resolution/ending part ^^
Today, I have been exercised in Double Vision. I do not have access card which allow me to go into the main entrance, that is y I need to use the staircase to go up all along from ground floor to 3rd floor. And I've been running not less than 10 times, phew~~I wish I could become slimmer after the internship,could it be?I hope can^^Please Santa, this is my only christmas wish for this year! After I messaged Crystal, my direct supervisor, at last I got things to do. I need to call up an artress - Janet Khoo, waiting for her and taking one 2-pages script to her. Besides, I need to take the contract for the actor-Wong Chee Keong to sign.
Gosh, this is the very first time I talked to an actor from a close distance. I was only managed to meet janet Khoo. Oh Oh ed enough! I was damn yu2, was trembling in front of Janet Khoo when she started to ask me explain the script n read out the dialogue to her. It wasn't the main point, the main thing was she kept on STARED at me with her super duper big, beautiful eyes :) Haha, I need to become more steady next time, I knew she was just playing trick on me, hehe..Thanks Janet Khoo! I have finally found out most of the actors are v playful, they are not sombong at all.
Worked til 10pm tonight,busy photostating the script and doing some 'Microsoft Word' stuff. Knew another 3 more friends. They are Ah Heng-editor, Van Zai - 统筹 and Chee Wah-assistant supervisor (not sure actually haha). Again, very nice n friendly ppl, especially the mentally instable Ah Heng ^^ Sorry ya Heng, I need to tell others the truth,cz I got evidence Hahaha! Dun kill me tomorrow, I hope u wun view my blog, god bless me ar~~ Before going home, I hang out at post production department, met up my senior there - Foong Foong. She was sick today, hope she will recover sooner! Now I knew, the editors must be good in handling 3 different kinds of editing softwares (at least one)-Velocity. Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere. They are now currently using beta tape to record the shots.

It's time to bed. Tomorrow I am going to meet Crystal at 12pm something, I think I might go earlier to settle the script thing first, not yet finish ^^
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Alone on the road
It was the first day I work as an intern in Double Vision Sdn. Bhd. While waiting for Vicky, I was chating and taking photos with Jason, to reduce our nervousness. Around 11am, we met up with Vicky - our contact person, from her young appearance, I din know that she is actually married and having children. After briefing and giving us a short tour, Vicky asked us to read a 16 series script. Haha, that was hard for Jason I think. He was moving here and there, cannot sit static on the chair. Since I am the kind of people who like to murmur to myself when reading, I finally decided to summarise the story for Jason, this is so called 'one stone two birds' ^^

Sunday, December 9, 2007
Internship 'Phobia'
If I am afraid,I will MASTER my fear. This is the wonderful sentence that I learnt from the movie of 'The Golden Compass'. I watched this film yesterday night. It's been a very extraordinary night, hanging out with friends at Pavilion, crazy in capturing the sweetest memonts. And doing all those shots composition, Mr.Beh n Miss Leong, I fully used of my knowledge taught by you two haha :)
Back from working, a very tiring Sunday. I am glad that one of my friend fetched me back as it started to rain at around 7.45pm. Phew~luckily...since i m still very lazy to buy an umbrella. After reaching home,i rushed to Popular and buy two very nice note books. I will need these two small books to accompany me through this approximately 5 months 5 days Internship! Gosh,i should not agree to Vicky that Ican start my training so early! very very regret er...all I could do is just to console myself, "Yeah, I can learn lots though I need to suffer earlier than most of my friends"...What a wreck!
It's ed 12.20am in the midnight, still dun feel like sleeping. Really scare ar, who can help me?! Tamade haiz..I had a bad training experience, and I do hope tomorrow is not going to be my second nightmare after the first training 3 years ago. Jason and me will meet up Vicky at the reception there tomorrow, sharp at 10.30am. Fortunately we no need to wear formal wahaha! According to Vicky, I will meet my contact supervisor, Cui1 Yue4 Yuan1, a casting director tomorrow, I heard she is a very nice lady, I wish she is and I BelIEve she is!!
p/s: she was an actress, just rasuah me abit if ur parents are her fans ya, I will help u to get her signature ^@^
Feel touched when yuki sent me one very special message that she copied from a magazine, I would like to share it with all my friends who are going to have their internship also. Make a Toast, thanks to LeeKuan!
- Don't be punctual - be a little earlier
- Listen - some of the important nuggets of info will be dispensed not in the boardroom but over lunch
- Ask questions - dont't just learn, u make ur presence felt
- Don't leave at 5pm - even if u have nothing to do
K la, I will need to stop here. need to sleep ed, tomorrow need to wake up at 9am. All the best to u, Chin Li !